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Now that you've downloaded and uploaded all the necessarry files, we need to change some configuration to make this all work.


To load the theme file, you will need to add this line to your configuration.yaml

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

This is needed to load custom themes in HomeAssistant (like HaCasa's).

Resources and YAML mode

To use HaCasa, we need to add resources and add a YAML-Mode dashboard. That means that you can't change this dashboard through the UI, but only through YAML. So, add the following code to your configuration.yaml:

mode: "yaml"
- url: "/hacsfiles/button-card/button-card.js"
type: "module"
- url: "/hacsfiles/my-cards/my-cards.js"
type: "module"
- url: "/hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js"
type: module
- url: "/hacsfiles/mini-graph-card/mini-graph-card-bundle.js"
type: module
- url: ";200;300;400;500;600;700;800;900"
type: css
mode: "yaml"
title: HaCasa
icon: mdi:home
show_in_sidebar: true
filename: "dashboard/HaCasa/main.yaml"

Save the file, restart Home Assistant and boom💥, you should be done. Also, don't forget to change the theme to HaCasa in your HA Profile. You can do that here.

To actually enjoy the new dashboard, you will need to create at least one view. You can do this in the folder dashboard/HaCasa/views. For example, we can create a file called 00-default_view.yaml. This file will be the first page, because it will be loaded first (because of the 00).

When you created the file, you can add this to the content:

title: Home
path: "home"
- type: vertical-stack
- type: custom:button-card
template: hc_header_card
security_entity: <your alarm entity>
person_entity: <your person entity>
- type: custom:button-card
template: hc_glance_card
entity1: <your first entity>
entity2: <your second entity>
entity3: <your third entity>

Now when you go to your HomeAssistant webpage, you should see a new dashboard called HaCasa. If you open that dashboard, you would see a header card and a glance card.

alt text

If everything works as expected, you are ready to configure your dashboard 🥳! You can find our other cards in the cards section in the menu on the left!